As our 10, 20 & 30 km waymarked trails become increasingly popular we would like to emphasise the importance of courteous and responsible behaviour whilst you are out and about in ‘Gravelfoyle’.

Responsible access is a cornerstone of Scottish access rights. It is important that cyclists act responsibly by respecting others and by learning how to share paths and trails with other user groups. Please follow the guidance below and we can continue to promote off-road cycling as a responsible and respectful activity.

You are likely to come across hikers, dog walkers, other cyclists, horse riders, Duke of Edinburgh groups and parents with children and on our waymarked loops. When approaching any of these groups:

  1. Be in control and be aware (especially if dogs are around as their movements can be unpredictable) Particular care should be taken on blind corners and in dips where route visibility can be reduced.

  2. Be alert to other people (and their dogs/horses) and ensure you ride at a speed which does not alarm or endanger other users.

  3. A ring of a bell and/or a polite hello to let them know you are there (This short film illustrates how best to let horse riders be aware of your presence as early as possible with a ‘hello’ and be confident they have seen you before passing slowly)

  4. If the path is narrow you should be ready to wait, give way or dismount.

  5. Give a friendly thank you as you pass

'Do The Ride Thing' web pages interpret the key points within the Scottish Outdoor Access Code relevant to off-road cycling and mountain biking. They also provide good practice guidance, advising on how to behave in a range of situations that you are likely to face when riding in Scotland’s outdoors.


Storm Éowyn Damage - All Trails Blocked
